3 Apr 2012

Rosas Hobbes

By Rosa

My Hobbes are singing/playing cornet/art and animals and art. My friend hayley likes singing as well she is good at it to. My favourite singer is Salena gomerz. In 2011 I was in the stoke school band. I mite be in the band this year in 2012. My sister used to play cornet in 2010 and 2011. She is at bordgreen now and shes playing the trampit in bordgreen band now. Hayley has 15 fish/berded dragon/2 birds/1 puppy/1 cat and 1 tuttertle. Ihave 1 puppy called pepper. My nana loves art she has a saletson of stamps. When I go to my nanas house I do a lot of cards and book marks for my friends. They are my hobbes for now at lest.


  1. This story has everything thrown into one paragraph and stirred together. Try to write using a writing plan structure like this:

    1. Intro
    - hobbies = happy
    - music
    - art
    - animals

    2. Music
    - Hayley/singing
    - Selena Gomez
    - school band
    - sister/cornet/trumpet BIS band

    3. Animals
    - Hayley/pets
    - my puppy

    4. Art
    - Nana/stamps
    - cards/bookmarks

    5. Conclusion
    - my hobbies


  2. You sound really busy with all of those hobbies Rosa.
