7 Apr 2012


By Zivana

On Monday the second of April we had cycle safety. Our hole class was doing cycle safety so that we can be safe on the road when we bike. We were doing it at School with Constibill Garlend. Constibill Garlend is a ploice oficer

One of the obsticls was a seasaw. I thouwt that would be Super fun. The first time I had a go I got over. But affter that I did not like the seasaw as much because I fell off. I keeped on fawling of it but I did'nt get hert. It was hard to go over the sea saw because the bord was supper skiny.

We were doing it to be safer on the road when we bike on it. It all so helps so the we are safe on the road when we bike on the road.

Please play me!

This is a writing test. Students were given 45 minutes to plan and draft a story recounting the best, or worst, thing that happened to them during Cycle Safety. The stories are assessed as 'draft writing' for how well they have been written for 'readers' understanding' and 'readers' interest'.
Readers' Understanding:

  1. Grammar (making sense).
  2. Accurate spelling.
  3. Accurate punctuation
  4. Background information (making sense).
Readers' Interest:
  1. Writes about one main idea in detail at a time.
  2. Uses descriptive language.
  3. Uses language features (expressive language).
  4. Uses personal comments.


  1. Understanding:
    1. Grammar is mostly accurate.
    2. 8 in 9 words are spelt correctly.
    3. Accurate capitals/fullstops.
    4. When/what/who/why/where included.

    1. Main idea + 5 details (mostly general).
    2. Descriptive language - 1 example.
    3. Expressive language - 0 examples.
    4. Personal comments - 2 examples.


  2. You must have been pleased with yourself for getting over the see-saw the first time Zivana. I like the video.
