6 Apr 2012

Progress Report - Week 8

By Teach

We have come to the final progress report for our school term. Our blog goal is to improve Room 11 student's writing by writing for a real audience. We are using the viewer numbers to measure our success. A growing audience suggests that student's writing is improving and vice versa. We have tried to control outside influences on viewer numbers as best as we are able. Therefore I have not promoted our blog at all and discouraged students and colleagues from doing the same.

We have had 842 views this week (714 views last week) as of 12.00pm Friday the 6th of April. This total was 128 views higher than last week and the second highest weekly total after 8 weeks online. Room 11 has grown their audience for the 7th week out of a total of 8 weeks.

Although you cannot  measure improvement in writing by the number of posts that students write, it does give an idea of how their enthusiasm and motivation to write has progressed. As of 12.00pm today Room 11 had published 158 and drafted another 2 posts. All 27 students who started 11Online/2012 have published  at least one post in the last week (we have 29 students). At the end of week 1 students had published 11 posts. We still have students who are reluctant to write or find it difficult to finish a story in the 2 hours of class time that they are given to blog each week but the number of 'writers' is increasing.

Well done Room 11! 

1 comment:

  1. Well done teach. I am aware of how difficult it is to 'reach a critical mass' and get a 'heavier than air' beast like a blog off the ground ...and then to sustain it like you have...impressive! Kia kaha, kia tu tonu. Here comes term 2!!!!!!!!!!!!
