Stoke Schools vision is the school's dream for students to achieve. We use WE'RE STOKED to remember our vision. Each letter stands for a school value that is important for students to learn. There are three groups of values; Effort and Determination, Caring for Others, and Learning and Improving. Our vision is that students will show lots of energy. Students will be activeand particapate in activities in the class room. Kia tu tonu supports students to risk exellence and get on with it.
Effort and determination is about putting effort in every thing you do. 'E' is for 'energy', getting into it and playing with a group of people. 'O' is for 'opportunity', just taking your chances and giving every thing a go! 'K' is for 'kia tu tonu', important because we all need to focus on our work and get into it.
Caring for others is about looking after the older and younger kids and helping them around the school. We also need look after our self by keeping away from the dangerous things around us. 'W' is for 'whanau', 'R' is for 'respect' and 'D' is fo diversity. The school wants students to be excellent at caring for others too.
Learning and improving is the third group in our vision.The values of seeking ('S'), thinking ('T') and e-learning ('E') helps students to be learners and improve their learning. The value of seeking teaches students to be creative and inventive. Thinking is very important if you want to be an active learner. E-learning is all around us. We need to be smart with technology. We need to learn how to use new technology easily.
Stoke Schools vision is to help students to improve. It is important that we use our school vision to look after our school, teachers and students.
By Sarah
Wow! Sarah this is great writing. It is very focussed and it informs the reader very well and includes detail in a sequential way. Did Mr Goad write this for you? Did you edit it? Well done.