14 Apr 2012

I Want To Do It Again

By Owen

braking is when you squeeze the silver Things in front oF the handle bars. gears are the nubers (numbers) on your handle bars you turn them up to go faster When you turn it down you go slower. we have been going up so the jumps they are huge but some were Small but I liked the big one. heaps of pepole fal off. the see saw is huge it feel cool when you go up and then down. we have been truning (turning( aroud relly steap corners I love it and I want to doi't again.


This is a writing test. Students were given 45 minutes to plan and draft a story recounting the best, or worst, thing that happened to them during Cycle Safety. The stories are assessed as 'draft writing' for how well they have been written for 'readers' understanding' and 'readers' interest'.

Readers' Understanding:
  1. Grammar (making sense).
  2. Accurate spelling.
  3. Accurate punctuation
  4. Background information (making sense).
Readers' Interest:
  1. Writes about one main idea in detail at a time.
  2. Uses descriptive language.
  3. Uses language features (expressive language).
  4. Uses personal comments.


  1. I like your description of the see saw Owen.

  2. Understanding:
    1. Background information? What brakes/gears/jumps/seesaw?
    2. 9 out of 10 words are spelt correctly.
    3. Fullstops are accurate.
    4. Who/what/where/when are only implied.

    1. An unknown event is recounted not 1 moment.
    2. Descriptive language - 2 examples.
    3. Expressive language - 0 examples.
    4. Personal comments - 3 examples.

