9 Apr 2012

Easter Is Here!

By Georgia

Easter is here!

Getting up on Easter morning is easy for my family because my two year old sister Jemma wakes up early and finds all the Easter egg and bangs me on the head with them. All we do on Easter morning is get up and and get the eggs and turn on the t.v and watch t.v and eat our Easter eggs.

Mum and Dad make us a deal it is that we have to share the treats or they will tell the Easter bunny not to come to our house. Because I am the oldest I useally share and because I am not a big fan of chocolate unlike the rest of my family!



  1. I'm with you Georgia. Chocolate is totally over rated. I will eat it if it's put in front of me though!


  2. Hey, I think chocolate is ok. I'll eat it where I find it, just ask my boys if they leave theirs out somewhere. I just have to resist spending money on it (because I'm trying not to eat sugar too much!) Good fast post Georgia! Easter morning sounds like fun at your place!
