26 Apr 2012

Mistery Hash Theam

on the 25 of April I went to Hash. It was a Anzac theamed night we all had to dress up as army soilgers. my grandad gos ther and he looked like a real soilger. He had an army hat and an army suit. Ther was a comotion. It was who will dress the best and my grandad won! My mum was veary proud of him when I told her. When we were walking thro a gravward a new girl Kimmy wisberd in my ear boo! Therther down the path a Hasher jumped out of the bush! And she grabed on to my leg she was only 10 so I didnt keer. When we got out of the spooky gravward we were walking down a... dark dark road and down that dark dark road thers a dark dark street and down that dark dark street thers a light light house and in that house thers a pit stop wich is the end. But thers more! After every Hash we alwas have tea ther. And the the kids get to play and the adolts get to talk. Hash is the best and have you found the theam if you havent the anser will come out next thursday so till then injoy.

                                                             by Hayley:)

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