25 Apr 2012

The Australia-New Zealand Team

By Hayley

On the 25th of April it is a public holiday because it's Anzac Day. Anzac Day is in honour of people who were in the armed forces and who sadly died. Anzac Day is a public holiday in two countries, Australia and New Zealand because our two countries teamed up in World War One.

In World War One Australia and New Zeland were a team. Our soldiers were called the Anzacs. The Anzacs went to a place called Gallipoli in Turkey. A lot of Anzacs died fighting in Turkey. Australia lost 8709 soldiers and New Zealand lost 2721 soldiers. So over 10,000 Anzacs died at Gallipoli.

ANZAC Day 2012

1 comment:

  1. Good post Hayley. You are right, New Zealand and Australia are a team.
