18 Apr 2012

Quite A Little Bit Of Success

By Shimya

Whoosh! Away I go. peddling as fast as I could. Through the cones to the other side, at top speed on the obstacle (course). cycle safety with a police man called constable Garlin, so we could know our intersection (rules) when we're biking on the road, because the road rules have change & everyone gets muddled up. Cycle Safety is when you learn how to ride your bike properly & how to fit your helmet the right size. Rm 11 got 3 sessions with constable garlin. 1st we learnt how to use our breaks and gears. 2nd we learnt how to stop on our bikes & third we learnt how to do our (use)indersections. 

Cycle Safety was a challenge for me when we had to jump a ramp because there was only one plank to jump up...but I did have quite a little bit of succes. I made all the obstacles & I got across the wobbley seesaw. My favourite part was when we had to bike around the whole field because it kept me pumped up. When I did the obstacle coarse I tripped over a bump that was sticking up & I plunged to the ground doing a roly poly. We had to use control, derection & speed.

Cycle Safety is very important because it helps you with your biking & it gives you ideas how to follow the 3 new road rules.


This is a writing test. Students were given 45 minutes to plan and draft a story recounting the best, or worst, thing that happened to them during Cycle Safety. The stories are assessed as 'draft writing' for how well they have been written for 'readers' understanding' and 'readers' interest'.

Readers' Understanding:
  1. Grammar (making sense).
  2. Accurate spelling.
  3. Accurate punctuation
  4. Background information (making sense).
Readers' Interest:
  1. Writes about one main idea in detail at a time.
  2. Uses descriptive language.
  3. Uses language features (expressive language).
  4. Uses personal comments.


  1. Cycle safety sounds pretty awesome!

  2. I love biking

  3. Biking is so cool

  4. The ramp must have been really fun

  5. I know we will all get muddled, (although you have had extra expert instruction from a police man.) but it has not been too bad so far. The roly poly from your bike to the ground must have been spectacular Shimya.
