4 Apr 2012

The Obsicle Coss

By Maia

On Monday, Tusday and wensday room 11 had cycle safety on our scHool feld. We had obsicle coss inteseption on a fack rode. We allso had a sesow that bike go over and more. Inteseption in when there are a rode that looks like a tee shaped and has a chrash poent in the midle of the rode. thasesow is a plank with a woodein box underneth the Plank.


  1. Your cycle safety looked like a lot of fun Maia. Maybe a bit scary too?

  2. The intro has all the background information the reader needs to understand what is happening Maia. Spelling makes it a bit hard to read though but punctuation is fairly good.

    There is very little for the reader to be interested in. You haven't chosen one thing that happened to you and written about it in detail from stat to stop!

