26 Apr 2012

Its The Strong Guy Livi

He`s here  (its Livi) the strong guy. Wow look at thoghs musels (there relly big) I agre. (How doyou think he got them?) well didnt he say he eat`s... 1proten shake/a bowl of oats with a banana and warter and put it in the(ok not one more word of what he eats). I dont get it why didint he arm resill with mr micherna well maby he dosnt want to.(What were thogh`s orenge things?) well maby thay were (little cards?) no (what about) little card's (I just said that!) oh...did you. (Livi was cool but then we had to go).

                                                              By Hayley:)

1 comment:

  1. What he eats sure is impressive isn't it Hayley. He must be so strong and so powerful.
