14 Mar 2012

Spectacular Cricket

 Wham! What a hit by Jontee,one of the best sports men in our class, it's flying my way, I can catch it, I can catch it, dive...miss! Dan it! I have got to throw it back to the bowler. Throw catch, yes! He only got to base number three. By the way, my name is Marcus and right now I’m playing a very fun game of cricket with my class room 11 at stoke New Zealand.
My team are very close to side away and I have just missed a very valuble catch. Done by Jontee. And if I caught it , it would make a big difference in the game. But everything won’t always goe your way. Bowl miss run to first base for the 5th time. Oh no here comes Will another good sports man. Low hit run run...stop! Out! Yes! Whoo hooo.

 Line up, line up. First batter ready…whack, small but effective hit by Olivia. Next is Owen, very good at cricket and thats a fact...Wham! fly fly fly. Run run run. Home run! Miss run, every now and then akind of good hit. Oh noo, it's my turn. I grab up the bat, butter flies in my tummy. Bowl...Wham!!! Soaring over everbodys heads. I hoot with exite ment. But now I'm speeding along the bases, first base, second base thered base, home!!! What a home run. Puff out with relief. What a nervous game of cricket.

        By Marcus


  1. Lots to like about this post Marcus. The language is my favourite part.

    I have a feeling that you've used the cut (or copy) and paste command quite a bit. You need to proofread and edit to clean up these mistakes.


  2. A very exhilarating post. Very real Marcus. I loved the bit where you wrote "I hoot with excitement." ( I really like 'hoot' as a word.)
