6 Apr 2012

Audience Growth - Progress Report

By Teach

Our blog goal is to improve students' writing. Students aims for their writing are:
  1. To write clearly for the reader's understanding;
  2. To write for the reader's interest.
We have a simple way of measuring whether students writing is improving
  • The growth of our audience as a class;
  • The growth of each student's audience.
Audience Viewer Numbers

Week 1 = 186 viewers (+186) - 11 student posts
Week 2 = 488 viewers (+302) - 13 student posts (+2)
Week 3 = 553 viewers (+65) - 9 student posts (-4)
Week 4 = 583 viewers (+30) - 21 student posts (+12)
Week 5 = 646 viewers (+63) - 12 student posts (-9)
Week 6 = 873 viewers (+227) - 35 student posts (+23)
Week 7 = 714 viewers (-159) - 30 student posts (+5)
Week 8 = 842 viewers (+128) - 27 student posts (-3).

The audience has grown every week except week 7.
Audience growth is not affected by an increase or decrease in the number of posts.

My Conclusion

It is obvious that the 11Online/2012's audience has grown over the past 8 weeks. The numbers suggest that growth has nothing to do with the number of posts that are published. We also know that 11Online is not directly promoted by myself or Room 11 students but we cannot rule out promotion by viewers or family members. It would seem reasonable to conclude that the quality of writing does play a role in the increasing number of viewers of 11Online/2012's growing audience. 

1 comment:

  1. I would agree with your conclusion. Impressive growth in readership. Well done Teach.
