4 Apr 2012

fun house day sports

On wensday the 15th of febuery it was house day. House day is
when We have four house colers Red, Blue, green & Yellow. We play games in the pool on the feald & on the cort. In the pool we did horis rases. On the feald we did a scavinger hunt & water relay. On the cort we did a blind fold game. My faverit game was the racers in the pool. After all the games we had a tug of war game. All four houses did the tug of war. It was awsome on house day.

1 comment:

  1. Very short and sweet Larissa. Great to see you back on line after such a long time away. Come back and add your name. I look forward to reading your Cycle Safety story on our class blog in the next few days.

