By Sarah
My wonderful holidays were all about playing apart from a couple of other little jobs. I biking, Making sand castles, Golf, Train rides, Went to Kai Teri Teri and went for long rides in the car.
Biking at
the Saxton Stadium was awesome! We went all over the place. We went on roads for ages . That meant we had to cross allot of roads and give way to cars but of coarse before we did any of that we did helmet and bike checks and exercises
. The exercises were called The Shrinking Square, The Obstacle coarse and the Indication Test. The Shrinking Square is were you have to stay inside the square or your out. You need four people for the walls and the rest of the people are in the middle on their bikes. If you put your foot down your out. As you ride around, the square slowly shrinks by the people that are the walls moving in. The last person in the square wins the game. The obstacle coarse is a wooden task were you have to ride over and you can't fall of. At the end of the coarse there is a sea saw. In the Indication test we had to indicate with our hands for three seconds, look back and turn. When we are about to stop we put one of our hands up for three seconds and then stop.
Me, my Mum and sister went to the beach in Tahuna. We were making small sand castles. Jessica's was called the Indian Castle and me and my mums castle didn't have a name. There were allot of dead crabs and pipis that were still closed washed up on the beach.
Golf in Tahuna was fun except I lost. My mum was keeping the score and my opponent was my sister. It was hard keeping the scores because we kept on replaying the rounds to get lower scores than each other. On the last coarse we had to hit the ball up a slope and into a barrel and the barrel leads to a little room that collects the balls for tomorrow.
I went to train rides in Tahuna at 7:00 pm with my Sister, Mum and Nana. We went on two different trains and my Mum and Nana went on one each but Me and my Sister went on both of them . After that we had a hot Milo.
At Kai Teri Teri I stayed in my Nana's caravan for two nights. We went for walks along the beach collecting shells and rocks, we went to two parks, one was old and one was new. The old play ground had a tyre swing ,slide, flying fox, swings, monkey bars and a bridge. The newest playground had climbing wall, bridge, 2 flying foxes, 3 slides, swings, sea saw, monkey bars and rocking seats. Beside the new play ground is a massive flying fox and I went on it. It was awesome! I also made a new friend called Aleesha. We had delicious teas. They were Rice Risotto and Fruit Salad.
I went for allot of long rides in the car with my Mum, Nana and Sister around Motueka and Mapua. I saw allot of horses, cows and sheep. I took my wool and some lollies and started to plat the wool.
Iloved my holidays that I spent with my family It was AWESOME!!!