5 Mar 2012

Road Patrol

Here is 5 tips with how you can start a Road Patrol team.
1.  go throw the school and see who wants to do it and get a police man to do it.
2.  train them with care in school time and make shaw you paint wite stripeson the road
3.  tell them to look for 2 speachal places like 2 signs that are about 3 meaters away.
4.  whan there trained look for 1 of them that is loud so they can hear the person on the other side.
5.  get 2 orieng signs that are  atached to a pole.
So that is how to start a road patrol team.                What is road patrol?
                                                                                  It is a childryn time when you are healping
                                                                                 others get across the road.
By Zaria

1 comment:

  1. A very interesting way of writing about road patrol Zaria. Your writing accuracy (spelling, punctuation and grammar) is improving and makes your writing a lot easier to follow (understand). Well done!
    Remember to choose what you write (and how you write) to interest the readers. The idea is interesting but instructional writing is the wrong genre to talk about road patrol. Opinion, recount, or report writing would have been more suitable.
