22 Mar 2012

A Awsome Little Movie.

This is on Room 10 rox as it as well Almo is a Supa star if you know who he is this is a little video for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWF86D_UNxc&feature=player_detailpage  so if you did not know who almo is now you do hope you liked it. It is so funny it is a copy of LMFAO im sexy and i know it.
(P.S Almo is sutable for younger people.)

By Zaria.


  1. Thank you Zaria, I was starting to get worried until I read that Elmo is suitable for younger people.

  2. Love the video Zaria. I don't understand all of your first sentence. Is there missing words or punctuation?

