30 Mar 2012

Me And My Friends

I have a lot of friends! There names are Olivia, Nikayla, Laita, Talia Anna, Juila and Carina. Every week morning we all useally soccer with the boys. The boys are a lot better at soccer then us so we try to get the ball of them. Me and Nikayla like to go for bike rides together. Nikayla and I just go around the block but that is ok. Taila and Latia are twins so it is hard to tell them apart!!! We like to play soccer in the morning. Me and Olivia and been friends for a long time. Some times my family comes down to the school to the some sort of sport or game and Olivia aways comes or she trys to. Me and  Carina do St.Johns together. Anna and I play sporttogether and Julia   comes down to the school and we also play sport.
By Georgia



  1. I love your post Georgia.
    It sounds really interesting.
    By Shimya

  2. Your writing is always interesting Geogia. I'd like you to work on paragraphing. This will highlight all the great things you do when you write.

    Possible Writing Plan (outline)
    1. Intro - Friends
    Different friends/different things
    Some play morning soccer (where?)

    2. Different friends/different things
    (the details about what you do together)

    3. Morning soccer

    4. Conclusion
    (repeat your main message/personal comment)

    You already know what to write about Georgia. This just helps you to organise your writing in a way that makes it easy for the reader to follow.


  3. Excellent. If you follow the outline Mr Goad sets you. Your posts will be brilliant! Very easy to read Georgia.
