15 Mar 2012

Moving to room9.


 Klonk! Klank! Right now were moving all the things in room11 to room9. I'm a photographa and it's my jod to take photos of what were doing. Most of us are moving things like desks, the white board, shelvs and other stuff. Why are we doing this? Well it's because we are getting room11 built into a bigger class room and were moving every thing to day

 Mr Mcalpine is in here and taking down the white boards and HOLY! Theres a old black board sitting on the wall. And It's still got writing on it. It's turned green with age aswell. It looked as if it was 2 hundred years old. We thought that we reconised some of the names that were on the board. Also we thought we saw some of our old brothers and sisters on there but then we realised that it was way to old for them to be on there.

 Now Mr Mcalpine is taking down the wall papering and you should have seen all the cracks and holes in the wall. It looked as if it had been in world war one and had  suffered the most damage well maybe thats an egageration but any way. You could see Mr Micherners head in one huge hole. Now this was exciting. They put the carpet like wall papering on the floor and it was fun to play and run on. It was so fun and I can't wait till we get back to are bigger and better class room.                                          

Wheel, wheel, wheel. Were moving things down the hall way. Thump! We just banged into the bottom of the stairs. We need to wait for the teachers. Then Mr Baker, a helper in room 10 came out and asked friendly. ''Can I help you?'' ''We are just waiting for the teachers'' I said. '' Nah, come on you gise grab a corner each and I will grab this side he said to me and Lilee who was helping me with the big White board. 3, 2, 1, lift. Up one stair, up two stairs, up three stairs and up the last stair. Mr Baker goes back to his class room. How did you lift that? said two of our class mates. Mr Baker helped us we said back. Now we have to sought every thing out in our new class room wich takes alot of time.

It's very cramped here in room 9 but I love being back in my old class room.
By Max and Marcus.


  1. Wonderful blog post boys. Hey, I think I recognise the writing on the old blackboard from when I was a student in Room 11!!!

  2. Fantastic writing gentleman! You grabbed my interest with expressive language from the very first sentence and kept me reading with more expressive language, personal comments and humour all the way through.
