7 Mar 2012

The Awsome WeetBix Tryatalon!

By Zivana

It was on on the 4th of march the awesome WeetBix tryathalon was on!. The WeetBix tryathalon is tryathalon for kids to do. You take your bike and tog . You put you bike over were you are told to and go and listen for what what other th- Ings you can do. Then you have to wait until your colours swim cap is called then you go to the beach.Then you go to were your age group is. Then you line up and when the say go you have to run out to were the people are then you have to start swimming.  Then you run out of the warter and to were your bike is then you start the long bike ride.  then you ride back and dump your bike and start running then when you reach the end thethe people the will give you a medal. Then you go around where you are told to then you get your picture taken then you get a free drink bottle.


  1. So, did you do anything with your bike, your helmet and your togs, or did you just listen?

    (You Know I know, but what about the readers in the Phillipines?)

  2. Who is this mystery writer who doesn't write his name on his work?

