9 Mar 2012

Progress Report - Week 4

There was horror and much wailing in Room 11 at the news that eight students had yet to publish their first post. Meetings were held, overseas models investigated, tax payer funded fact finding trips reluctantly suffered, policies drafted, action plans written, but action was swift! Stoke School's Lead Teacher of ICT, Mr Thompson himself took it upon his powerful and mighty shoulders to change this tragic state of affairs. His mission was to encourage students who hadn't posted solo on 11online/2012 before today to become bona fide bloggers, to overcome "but I don't know how" reluctance. Quantity may have replaced quality but after less than 90 minutes, five of the eight students had clicked the publish button (the success rate may have been higher but many posts are still being published without names).

Of course no progress report is complete without a review of our class goals, so take a knee and listen up ladies! As of 12.00pm Friday 2 March the 11online had been viewed 1810 times in total and 583 times in the last week (still increasing but the growth is now sluggish). One of the things that gets Room 11 students excited though is arriving at school to find that they have expanded their audience to a new country. Apart from New Zealand, Russia is our biggest audience of viewers. Not our "we only like to speak one language around here" (like us) sister countries: Australia; England and the U.S.A but Russia! Can you believe that?



  1. hey Teach, you need to write more and publish it!
    me and the boys laughed and laughed this morning.
    (Mr Thompson, yes it really is me! :-) )

  2. Ah, you are too kind by half Mr T (can I be sure it really is you rather than an imposter masquerading behind a stolen pic and name as the awesome Mr T?). Nevertheless, you can have the best seat at lunch on Monday (other people will need to look at our staffroom to understand this comment).
