Every once in a while Stoke School has a house competition. There is Omaio, the red house, Ngawhatu, the green house, Songer, the yellow house, and Marsden, the blue house. I'm in the red house. Yesterday we had a House Fun Day. We got to have a tug of war. It was exciting.
Check out a Ngawhatu's team winning their tug of war in this video.
You should have seen Miss Kemp when she was wearing a bee costum. Man it was fun! House day is cool but it's sad it's only on once a term. I wish it was on every week because of the screaming and the yelling in my ears.
Once a term there is a thing called House Day. There are 4 house groups Omiao is red, Songer is yellow, Nafatu is green and Marsden is blue. I'm in Songer House.
The best part of House Day was all the noise there were some people saying, "green will, green will, rock you", "Songer yellow!!!", "blue, blue blue blue!" and, "red stripes!" It was loud! Everybody wears there house group today.
It all starts after morning tea at Stoke School. It is the first House Fun Day of the year. On House Fun Day you dress yourself up in your house colour that the teachers gave us. The house colours are red (Omaio), blue (Marsden), yellow (Songer) and green (Ngawhatu). Ngawhatu won (the first year - 2010) and got their name engraved on a trophfy that was made especially.
On Wensday 15th Feb it was House Day. We have four house colers red, blue,green, yellow. House Day is when we play gams in the pool on the feald on the cort. In the pool we did lilo relay races. on the feald we did a scavenger Hunt and water relay. On the cort we did a Blind Fold game. My faverit one was the races in the pool. after all the gams and Rellays we Had tug of war game all four Houses did tug of war.
I am in Omaio Red. My favourite part of the day was the challenge in the pool. The pool challenge was in our School pool and we had 4 horses from both teams and I was one of them. We used big floating seats in the pool and we had to pull as many people as we wanted over to the other side of the pool.
Woah! That was a blast! Every term we have a House Day when the whole of Stoke School gets out and joins together as a big group. After we join together we get into our 4 house groups. Ngawhatu the green house, Omaio the red house, Marsden the blue house and songer the yellow house. Im in the green house. Everyone dressed up in there house colour so they could score points for thier house group. My favourite part was when we did the scavenger hunt with Mr Logan.