We are definitely learning as we go in Room 11. After 3 days of school we have 10 posts, 2 drafts waiting to be finished and posted, and 4-5 posts and drafts that have been deleted for various reasons. We have also had some technological glitches which has meant that I've spent a little (lot) more time managing the blog than I'd like. Like I said - learning as we go.
Students have been reminded that they need to make sure their posts are interesting (writing topic, use of language and pics). We have discussed making sure that the audience understands the post is also important to hold their attention (enough information and good grammar). Room 11 has also had a discussion about quantity vs quality. Is it better to have a lot of quickly published posts with little or no content and is poorly put together or to have a few posts with carefully considered and crafted content?
They deserved a break today so we spent most of Wednesday outside. Today was our House Day. The four school houses competed against each other in a series of physical and mental challenges. Hopefully, more about that tomorrow from the students.
Yesss!!! i'm already looking forward to that because there were photographs and video and it was such a cool day! Tell me about your day Room 11!